
About Remote Gazette

Remote Gazette ist dedicated to corporate employees who have been on workation and want to share their experience. And to all their colleagues who haven’t but are eager to try it. This website wants to be supportive as a source of inspiration and information on workation destinations and accommodation types. It addresses the questions of how to prepare and what to expect from a workation.

Furthermore, typical job responsibilities that need to be taken into consideration before and during a workation are covered.

The stories shared on this website all follow an easy-to-digest pattern. They are designed to deal with the majority of questions one might have in mind before going on a workation the first, the second, or even the tenth time ;-).

About Me

I am Uli. I have started Remote Gazette.

Remote Gazette is essentially my story. I have been using my overtime days to do workation and work on my own projects that I do besides my corporate job and I really liked it. Talking to corporate employees who are already legally allowed to work remotely in other countries by their corporate employers, I see the challenges that are involved in planning and doing such a trip.

When you want to go on workation there are a lot of things to look into and a lot of questions to be answered by you and the HR Department of your employer. Having dealt with the matter myself I guess I could answer some of them. But certainly not all. And everybody has his/her own context and starting point. This is why I figured it makes sense to put together a collection of stories about how other people did it. You can filter the list of stories by company, by the destination country, and by type of workation – whether you went individually or together with your team.

And needless to say: Remote Gazette is ready to welcome your story as well if you are ready to tell it!

Focus on Europe

The preconditions for corporate employees to do workations differ depending on your location and the location of your employer. For that matter, I decided to put the focus on folks who are employed at companies in Europe. Besides all the particular demands and requirements of each country and each destination, there is some common ground. I hope, that by setting that focus the target audience can take out a significant value of this website.