
Information as required according to German TMG § 5:

This website, the associated LinkedIn Page, the associated Anchor account, and the associated Twitter Account
are created and maintained by:

Ulrich Kuenzel
Timaeusstr. 13
01099 Dresden / Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 176 81009895
E-Mail: ulikuenzel [at] outlook [dot] de

Editorial responsibility according to § 55 paragraph 2 Rundfunk-Staats-Vertrag (German Broadcasting Treaty, RStV):

Ulrich Kuenzel
Timaeusstr. 13
01099 Dresden / Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 176 81009895
E-Mail: ulikuenzel [at] outlook [dot] de

Sales Tax identification number according to § 27 a Sales Tax Law: DE 56217498703

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